Explore Some Of My Latest Work

  • Websites

    January 3, 2024

    MERN Stack

    Smile (A website for product posting, purchasing for KUETians)

    • Developed ‘Smile’ website with MongoDB, React, Express, Node.js.
    • Deployed site on Render.com for easy access.
    • Created admin panel with strong access control.
    • Resolved API challenges for smooth client-server communication.
    • Implemented secure authentication for user access.

    September 17, 2023

    MERN Stack

    Dream (An official website of Blood Donation Club of KUET)

    • Explored teamwork for frontend and backend.
    • Created admin panel for donor, doctor, appointment, and event management.
    • Developed user accounts for enhanced donor engagement.
    • Streamlined blood donation requests and appointments.
    • Enabled detailed donor search and requests.
    • Utilized Telegram API for seamless integration.

    September 17, 2023

    C#, Visual Studio, ASP Dot Net MVC, Mssql

    Personal Blog Website

    • A personal blog website with admin and user functionalities.
    • Utilizes Start Bootstrap themes for clean and modern design.
    • Integrated toast notification feature via GitHub link.
    • Added advanced interaction controls to HTML tables for improved user experience.
    • Utilizes .NET 6.0 framework with Microsoft SQL Server for database management.

  • Apps

    June 11, 2023

    Java, UI & Unit Testing, Firebase, Java Doc, Merge Conflict

    Recording Blood Pressure (Android Application)

    • Employed Firebase for CRUD operations, enhancing data management.
    • Created an intuitive UI for enhanced user experience.
    • Ensured code reliability through comprehensive unit testing.
    • Collaborative development via GitHub wiki, branches, and issues.

    August 8, 2023

    Swift, Xcode,Json Parsing, Api, Firebase

    Blood Donation Management (iOS app)

    • Seamless login and registration process for users.
    • Effortless blood donor search by blood group and location.
    • Real-time news updates on emergencies requiring immediate blood donations.
    • Convenient access to donor information and Telegram group for community blood requests using Telegram bot API.

  • Desktop Application

    September 25, 2022

    Java, MySQL, Java Swing, Netbeans, OOP

    Hall Dinning Management

    • Developed "Hall Dining Review" desktop app using Java Swing for modern UI.
    • Integrated MySQL database for efficient data storage and retrieval.
    • Implemented features for student reviews, hall due calculation, and feedback analysis.
    • Included additional features such as a BMI calculator, login, registration, and user profile update.
    • Ensured seamless communication between students and dining managers for feedback.
    • Provided dining managers and hall administrators with summarized student feedback for transparency and accountability.

  • Database

    May 23, 2023

    Oracle Sql

    Hall Dinning Management

    • Stored student basic info in 'basicInfo' table, utilizing DDL for schema creation.
    • Managed monthly hall dues in 'monthlyPayment' table, employing DML for data manipulation.
    • Stored dining manager details in 'managerInfo' table, utilizing PL-SQL for procedural logic.
    • Handled per-day dining budget in 'perDayBudget' table, implemented triggers for automated actions.

  • Browser Extension

    November 20, 2023

    Javascript, Manifest.json, Api

    Random Quranic Verse

    • Cross-browser compatibility.
    • API integration for data retrieval.
    • Extension deployment on Firefox Add-ons.
    • User interface design for browser extensions.
    • Understanding manifest versioning for extensions.

  • Blockchain

    March 1, 2023

    JavaScript, NodeJs

    Joss Coin(Basic Blockchain)

    • Implemented blockchain structure with transaction handling.
    • Integrated mining process with difficulty levels.
    • Added functionality for checking balances and mining rewards.
    • Developed key generation for secure transactions and elliptic curve encryption.

  • Google Appscript

    September 05, 2022

    Javascript, Google Appscript, Google Excel

    Automatic Birthday Wish Send

    • Automatically sends birthday wishes to friends via email.
    • Utilizes Google Sheets to store friend's information, including name, email, and birthday date.
    • Configurable triggers activate the script to send wishes at specified times.
    • JavaScript code integrated with Google Apps Script automates email.

  • Hardware

    May 25, 2023

    Arduino Uno, Sensors, Module

    Safe Railway

    • Implemented automatic crossing bar functionality to prevent traffic accidents near railways.
    • Ensured platform safety by alerting passengers about approaching trains.
    • Developed a train coming alert system to notify nearby individuals about train approaches.
    • Resolved issue of false detection by implementing a weight-based load module for accurate train detection.

Dive into My Hilariously Helpful
Coding Notes.

    Basic Shell Programming

    Learn shell scripting basics: Bash commands, automation, and practice problems for efficient system management.

    Learn Git

    This repository offers practical solutions for common Git problems encountered during development. Based on real experiences and insights from discussions with peers, Stack Overflow, and AI-powered chatbots like ChatGPT, I provide easy-to-understand explanations and step-by-step guides to help fellow developers tackle similar challenges.

    Useful Ubuntu Commands

    Since 2020, I've been using Ubuntu and faced many challenges. To overcome them, I turned to resources like Stack Overflow, blogs, documentation, forums, and YouTube. Recently, I've also begun seeking help from ChatGPT. I've gathered all the issues I encountered and their solutions in one place for easy access.

    Bit Manipulation in 'C'

    Bit manipulation is much important in problem solving context. But this topic is so much confusing.So, I created this note as a overview on bit manipulation

    Asynchronous JavaScript

    When I start to work with React and utilizing libraries like Axios for making asynchronous HTTP requests,I realize that understanding asynchronous JavaScript is a fundamental prerequisite. I create it as my own note.

    React Native Vs Me

    It covers the hurdles faced when I first started with React Native, focusing on cross-platform tasks like setting up emulators, managing fonts, and integrating vector icons.

    MERN Vs Me

    It shares my experiences overcoming challenges in MERN stack development. It provides simple solutions to common issues like configuration problems and module import errors, offering helpful guidance for fellow developers.

    Asp .Net MVC Vs Me

    It provides a simple guide for setting up ASP.NET MVC projects, including steps to initialize, add required packages, and run the application. It also includes additional instructions for installing packages and making necessary configurations, with visual aids for better understanding.


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